companies that practise conscious business perform 10x better

Why become a conscious business?

You will create a better culture.  

Developing a conscious culture is a business imperative.  Culture is as an essential part of the organisations infrastructure as technology.; perhaps even more essential.

You will attract better employees.

Conscious employees are an organizations greatest asset; unconscious employees are its most dangerous liability.

Conscious employees take responsibility for their lives.  They don't compromise human values for material success. They speak their truth and listen to others' truths with honesty and respect.  They look for creative solutions to disagreements and honour their commitments impeccably.  They are in touch with their emotions and express them productively.

You will attract better managers.

 Conscious employees require conscious managers if they are to fully commit their energy to organizational goals.  Unless they feel acknowledged, supported and challenged by their managers conscious employees will withdraw.  Nothing is more vital for exceptional performance than conscious management.

No matter what type of business, the only way to generate a competitive advantage and long-term profitability is to attract, develop and retain talented employees.  Talented employees need great managers. The talented employee may join a company because of its charismatic leaders, its generous benefits and world class training programs, but how long an employee stays and how productive she is while she is there is determined by her relationship with her immediate supervisor.

You will attract better customers.

Conscious customers want the experience they get from dealing with a conscious company and will pay more for the experience.

 - Fred Koffman, Conscious Business

You will make more money.

An research article in the Harvard Business Review April 04, 2013 stated:

"The 18 publicly traded conscious companies out of the 28 outperformed the S&P 500 index by a factor of 10.5 over the years 1996-2011. And why, in the end, should that be a surprise? Conscious companies treat their stakeholders better. As a consequence, their suppliers are happier to do business with them. Employees are more engaged, productive, and likely to stay. These companies are more welcome in their communities and their customers are more satisfied and loyal. The most conscious companies give more, and they get more in return. The inescapable conclusion: it pays to care, widely and deeply."

Your business will be more valuable and easy to sell

Conscious companies can be managed by any conscious manager and won't rely on one or two key individuals who over-work and over-stress and make the company worth less at time of sale.

You will save the planet

 “Well run, values-centered businesses can contribute to humankind in more tangible ways than any other organization in society.”
- Bill George